It’s free and easy to create an OnlyFans account and there’s no contract for you or your subscribers. If you’ve reached a point where you have a substantial fanbase and great engagement, it’s time to make the transition and invite your fans to experience exclusive content on your OnlyFans channel. Deciding to launch on OnlyFans is a simple decision. It gives you more scope to create great content, it enhances the content experience for your fans and you get paid for it. With the exception of YouTube, which is downgrading your earning potential, there is no way to monetise your content on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook other than through your brand associations and campaigns. With OnlyFans, you get to create more of what your fans love and they pay a modest subscription to view subscriber-only content. It’s a win-win.
Create an account here:
It’s important to remember that your subscribers will come from your mainstream social media platforms and they are most likely to stay connected to you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social platforms. If they feel like they’re getting more of the same, only they’re now paying for it, it can cause issues that you don’t want or need. Launching on OnlyFans is all about extending the content experience, doing exclusive subscriber-only content and adding more depth and variety that they are happy to pay for. For example, if you’re a fitness blogger, you can do snapshots or short routines on Instagram and Facebook, but on OnlyFans you can give them a more detailed workout programme and exclusive routines not published on Instagram or Facebook. You’ve amassed a loyal fanbase because your fans love what you do already, so there doesn’t need to be a dramatic shift in your style or type of content – just offer more value, more insight and more depth on OnlyFans.
Creating a plan for your OnlyFans channel that syncs with your mainstream content plan is important to ensure quality and consistency across your social publishing landscape.
Read our blog on content tips here:
Ultimately fans want your content, so give the fans what they want. Video is a key format and the general direction of travel for pretty much every social platform and yet Instagram and Twitter have time limitations that can only offer fans a snapshot of your content. If you’re a beauty blogger or fitness influencer for example and/or are providing tutorials and educational content, you can offer extended content and more in-depth tutorials on OnlyFans with up to 3GB of upload capability for a single video, and up to 20 images per post. So, use your mainstream platforms to tempt fans to experience the full video or photoshoot on your OnlyFans platforms as that’s where the value lies; you give subscribers more than they can experience on free-to-view platforms but they get a lot more for a modest subscription to your channel.
Retaining fans and ensuring you grow your subscriber base really comes down to giving people value for money. As long as they feel they get a great content experience at a fair price there’s really no need for them to leave.
Read our blog on how to make your content pay and keep fans coming here:
What makes OnlyFans so lucrative is a combination of your subscriber numbers and your subscription rate. To put you in complete control, you decide how much to charge your fans for a subscription, so set a rate that you think is fair, reasonable and affordable for your audience. Typically around 1%-3% of your fans will subscribe. For example, if you have 10,000 fans on Instagram you will expect to attract around 100-150 subscribers (based on a 1.5% conversion). It’s better to have 150 subscribers at $6.99 than 50 subscribers at $9.99, so make sure your rate attracts subscribers and does not deter them. The more you attract the more you earn so be realistic and don’t overprice. Remember, your fans are gravitating from free-to-view platforms to a paid subscription, so make a good judgment based on the quality of content they will receive on your OnlyFans platform and how much they are likely to pay.
Use our income slider to forecast your income from OnlyFans here
The most effect way to promote your OnlyFans account is in your social media profiles and biogs, and through your content. So, if you are publishing images of a new photo-shoot, fashion collection, workout routine or makeup tutorial, simply add your OnlyFans account link to your content and invite your fans to see more by subscribing to your OnlyFans channel. The more your promote it and the more you work at it, the more subscribers you’ll get. As your content on most platforms is free, you need to strike a balance so don’t hard sell it but frequently invite people to join you and enjoy an exclusive experience with you on OnlyFans.